Manuals of Procedures

Manuals of Procedures

This page contains information geared towards the scientific community, investigators, and potential investigators. The tables list study protocols/manuals for the Framingham Heart Study Generation 3 and Omni 2 Cohorts’ Examination 3, onsite at the Framingham Research Center or offsite at participant homes and/or nursing homes.

These manuals refer to core components of the examination (in order of their administration). Ancillary Studies have not been included.

Onsite Exam Manual

Offsite Exam Manual

  • Offsite Manual includes:
    • Gen 3 Exam 3 Components-Offsite
    • Scheduling Offsite Visits
    • Preparation for an Off-site Examination
    • Medical History
    • Blood Pressure Measurement & Maximum Inflation Level
    • Weight Offsite Visits
    • Visiting the Cognitively Impaired
    • Nursing Home Chart Review Protocol
    • Offsite Visit Chart Completion
    • Security Measures
    • Using the REDCap Mobile App

Laboratory Manuals

Genetic Laboratory Manuals

Endpoint Review Manual

Noninvasive and Biomarker Protocols

  • See documentation here.